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APIsData formatPosology model

Structured dosage model


The structured dosage is inspired by the FHIR terminologies described here:

Dosage forms


Two terminologies exist for the galenic form: FORM and BASE_FORM

The FORM terminology comes from a list provided by the European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines (EDQM). These complex dosage forms are generally detected by the prescription scan, as well as the corresponding BASE_FORM, the list of which also comes from the EDQM.

The attributes specific to these entities are of the form:

designationstringString detected as quantity
codingsCodingsObject containing 2 arrays of objects: FORM and BASE_FORM


FORMarrayArray of objects NELEntity
BASE_FORMarrayArray of objects NELEntity


codestringGalenic form code
labelstringThe attribute to use to match in the database
terminologystringFORM or BASE_FORM
cosine_similaritynumber1 (because only exact matches)


   "begin_offset": 2,
   "category": "MEDICATION",
   "codings": {
     “FORM”: [
         "code": "compressed",
         "cosine_similarity": 1,
         "label": "tablet",
         "terminology": "FORM"
     "BASE_FORM": [
         "code": "Compressed",
         "cosine_similarity": 1,
         "label": "Compressed",
         "terminology": "BASE_FORM"
   "designation": "cpr",
   "end_offset": 5,
   "entity_type": "FORM"


Generally speaking, a general number, whether or not linked to a unit, is called a quantity.

When this quantity refers to the quantity:

  • of a molecule in a tablet, capsule, etc. of medicine, it is called the force (strength).
  • of medication per dose, it is called the dose (also dose).


If the quantity is a dose or a quantity, when detected, it is returned with the attributes:

categorystringAlways MEDICATION (these quantities are always related to the use of a medication).
designationstringDetected string as quantity.
entity_typestringAlways QUANTITY.
begin_offsetintPosition of the first character in the original string.
end_offsetintPosition of the last character.
timingTimingFor entities of subtype DOSE.


as_neededboolIf a text starts with “si” (if needed, if in pain, etc.).
as_needed_forstringThe corresponding text.


valuefloatDetected quantity of units.
unitstringNormalized unit (among a list of entities).
typestring"QUANTITY", "DOSE", or "STRENGTH".
codestringValue of the detected code in the system
systemstringTerminology used
rateRateWhen a fraction is detected, the rate attribute is added to the value attribute with the values and units of the numerator and denominator.

The value and unit attributes are non-empty only in the case where the value does not correspond to a ratio (like a concentration (mg/L) etc). Otherwise, both of these attributes are empty, and the rate attribute is used instead.

The units can come both from the international system or from SNOMED units (including the UK version) such as “tablet”, “ampoule”. Missing units have also been added with the prefix 94329990001. The full list of units used is available at organized by system.


  "query": "2 tablets",
  "preprocessed_query": "2 tablets",
  "entities": [
      "category": "MEDICATION",
      "designation": "2 tablets",
      "begin_offset": 0,
      "end_offset": 11,
      "entity_type": "QUANTITY",
      "quantity_and_rate": {
        "value": 2.0,
        "unit": "tablet(s)",
        "type": "DOSE",
        "code": "428673006",
        "system": ""

When a character string is composed of a number and an international system unit but does not directly follow a drug, it is detected as QUANTITY (we do not know a priori if it is a STRENGTH or DOSE):

  "query": "500mg",
  "preprocessed_query": "500mg",
  "dosage_string": "500 mg",
  "entities": [
      "begin_offset": 0,
      "category": "MEDICATION",
      "designation": "500 mg",
      "end_offset": 6,
      "entity_type": "QUANTITY",
      "quantity_and_rate": {
        "unit": "mg",
        "code": "mg",
        "system": "",
        "value": 500.0,
        "type": "QUANTITY"

When a fraction is detected, the rate attribute is added to the value attribute with the values and units of the numerator and denominator.


  "query": "50 mg/20 mL",
  "preprocessed_query": "50 mg / 20 ml",
  "dosage_string": "50 mg / 20 ml",
  "entities": [
      "begin_offset": 0,
      "category": "MEDICATION",
      "designation": "50 mg / 20 ml",
      "end_offset": 13,
      "entity_type": "QUANTITY",
      "quantity_and_rate": {
        "missed": {
          "numerator": 50.0,
          "denominator": 20.0,
          "numerator_unit": "mg",
          "numerator_unit_code": "mg",
          "denominator_unit": "mL",
          "denominator_unit_code": "mL",
          "numerator_system": "",
          "denominator_system": ""
        "type": "QUANTITY"

When a character string recognized as a drug is followed by a number (with or without unit) and this number corresponds to a known strength of the drug, a strength attribute is added to the corresponding drug entity. This attribute is a list of QuantityOrRate.


  "query": "ENTRESTO 24/26 mg",
  "preprocessed_query": "entresto 24 / 26 mg",
  "posology_string": "",
  "entities": [
      "begin_offset": 0,
      "category": "MEDICATION",
      "codings": {},
      "designation": "entresto",
      "end_offset": 8,
      "entity_type": "DRUG",
      "strength": [
          "unit": "mg",
          "code": "mg",
          "system": "",
          "value": 24.0,
          "type": "STRENGTH"
          "unit": "mg",
          "code": "mg",
          "system": "",
          "value": 26.0,
          "type": "STRENGTH"
      "strength_designation": "24 / 26 mg",
      "selected_strength": "24 mg/26 mg",
      "prescripted_drug": true
// Lorsque les unités sont différentes, on considère qu'il n'y a qu'un seul ingrédient
// On remplit alors l'attribut rate de strength
  "query": "ACUPAN 20 mg/2 mL",
  "preprocessed_query": "acupan 20 mg / 2 ml",
  "posology_string": "",
  "entities": [
      "begin_offset": 0,
      "category": "MEDICATION",
      "designation": "acupan",
      "end_offset": 6,
      "entity_type": "DRUG",
      "strength": [
          "rate": {
            "numerator": 20.0,
            "denominator": 2.0,
            "numerator_unit": "mg",
            "numerator_unit_code": "mg",
            "denominator_unit": "mL",
            "denominator_unit_code": "mL",
            "numerator_system": "",
            "denominator_system": ""
          "type": "STRENGTH"
      "strength_designation": "20 mg / 2 ml",
      "selected_strength": "20 mg/2 ml",
      "prescripted_drug": true


numeratorfloatNumerator of the fraction.
denominatorfloatDenominator of the fraction.
numerator_unitstringNormalized unit of the numerator
denominator_unitstringNormalized unit of the denominator
numerator_systemstringSystem of the numerator
denominator_systemstringSystem of the denominator
numerator_unit_codestringCode of the numerator
denominator_unit_codestringCode of the denominator



Entities of type QUANTITY and subtype DOSE necessarily have a timing attribute whose values are as follows. ENTITIES of type FREQUENCY are deprecated.

frequencyintFrequency of taking the medication (if frequency_max exists, frequency corresponds to the minimum frequency).
frequency_maxintMaximum frequency.
periodintCorresponds to the period during which frequency takes take place.
period_unitstringUnit of the period.
period_maxintCorresponds to the maximum period.
bounds_durationBoundsDurationDuration of treatment.
time_of_daystring[]Hours of the day when the treatment must be taken (8 a.m., 12:30 p.m., etc.).
day_of_weekstring[]Days of the week the treatment should be taken (Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun).
whenstring[]Times of the day at which the processing takes place (the meanings of the codes are explained on this site
offsetintTime interval between taking and when, in minutes.
sequenceintNumber starting from 0 indicating the succession of dosages (2 tabs for one week then 1 tab for 1 month).
frequency_textsstring[]List of different texts corresponding to frequencies.
bounds_duration_textstringText corresponding to the processing duration.


  "query": "1 cpr 3 to 4 times every 6 hours for 2 to 3 weeks",
  "preprocessed_query": "1 cpr 3 to 4 times every 6 hours for 2 to 3 weeks",
  "dosology_string": "1 cpr 3 to 4 times every 6 hours for 2 to 3 weeks",
  "entities": [
      "begin_offset": 0,
      "category": "MEDICATION",
      "designation": "1 cpr",
      "end_offset": 5,
      "entity_type": "QUANTITY",
      "quantity_and_rate": {
        "unit": "tablet(s)",
        "code": "428673006",
        "system": "",
        "value": 1,
        "type": "DOSE"
      "timing": {
        "frequency": 3,
        "frequency_max": 4,
        "period": 6,
        "period_unit": "hour",
        "bounds_duration": {
          "unit": "week",
          "value": 2,
          "max_value": 3
        "frequency_texts": ["3 to 4 times every 6 hours"],
        "bounds_duration_text": "for 2 to 3 weeks"
      "begin_offset": 2,
      "category": "MEDICATION",
      "codings": {},
      "designation": "cpr",
      "end_offset": 5,
      "entity_type": "FORM"


unitstringUnit of treatment duration.
valuefloatDuration (minimum) of treatment.
max_valuefloatMaximum duration of treatment.



The durations of application of a treatment are coded by objects whose entity_type is DURATION. Frequency entities are therefore coded by the following attributes:

categorystringMEDICATION (durations are always linked to the use of a medication)
designationstringstring detected as duration
begin_offsetintposition of 1st character in original string
end_offsetintposition of last character
descriptionobjectobject containing the description of the duration
durationobjectobject containing the duration of the take (minimum duration if value_max exists), and the unit of the duration
valuefloatduration of intake
value_maxfloatmaximum duration of intake
unitstringunit of duration
   "query": "apply for 3 minutes on the wound",
   "preprocessed_query": "apply for 3 minutes on the wound",
   "posology_string": "for 3 minutes the wound",
   "entities": [
       "begin_offset": 35,
       "category": "CONDITION",
       "codings": {
         “MEDDRA”: [
             "code": "10052428",
             "cosine_similarity": 1,
             "label": "Wound",
             "terminology": "MEDDRA",
             "level": "PT"
       "designation": "wound",
       "end_offset": 40,
       "entity_type": "CONDITION"

Administrative information about the prescription

The RPPS and the prescription date are detected in an administrative field (at the end of the NERL outputs, outside of entities) which has the following format:

  • record:
    • identify: the RPPS number
  • authoredOn:
    • date: the raw date
    • formatted_date: the date in YYYY/mm/dd format

Patient observations

Physiological information on the patient is detected by the NERL and grouped in an observations field which contains the list. The observations are NERLEntity with all the parameters associated with them. They have an additional observation field which contains the details of the observation:

  • code: LOINC code of the observation in question (Body weight, Body height, Body Mass Index (BMI), Age)
  • value: value of the observation
  • unit: unit
  "begin_offset": 10,
  "category": "PATIENT_INFORMATION",
  "designation": "34 kg",
  "end_offset": 15,
  "entity_type": "OBSERVATION",
  "observation": {
    "code": "Body weight",
    "value": 34.0,
    "unit": "kg"

NB: Height is only detected in cm, ages only in years. If a height and a BMI are indicated, the weight is calculated from these two pieces of information.